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Rainy Wedding of Taylor + Taylor

Weddings in Montana can be unpredictable. That is just a fact, which is why I will never plan a wedding without a back-up plan or rain plan, regardless of the time of year. More often than not, the rain plan doesn't need to go into effect, however, for Taylor + Taylor, we had to make several large pivots on their rainy wedding day.

The day began with some drizzles that were to be expected, but we remained hopeful that the clouds would pass and the blue skies would open up by the time their wedding ceremony rolled around. Unfortunately, as if the skies knew it was game-time, the rain only came down harder just as the guests were arriving, even knocking out the power briefly. We held off as long as we could and huddled guests under an awning to try and wait out the storm, but it became apparent we would be waiting for a while. Without wanting to get too far behind in our timeline for the day, we made the executive decision to move their outdoor ceremony indoors, moving all the tables and chairs we had already set-up inside for their reception out of the way to create ceremony seating and a new alter. My team and I raced back and forth in the pouring rain, trying to salvage the ceremony florals the best we could and repurpose them inside. Just as luck would have it, we had our indoor ceremony and immediately following, the sun came out just as the couple made their way back down the aisle, allowing us to have the remainder of the wedding and reception in the outdoor Montana air, as originally planned.

Despite all the back and forth and the pivots in plans, the Bride and Groom were both unwavering in their excitement and joy simply to marry each other, regardless of how it happened. They were the perfect example of understanding that your wedding might not always go as planned, but at the end of the day, the most important part is that you have found your partner and you are ending the day as a married couple. And also that hiring a wedding planner that can make those calls and be able to pivot under pressure is always a good idea ;)

Wedding Vendors

Venue: White Raven

Wedding Planner: Emily Summer Studios

Photographer: Esther Grace

Florals: Agile Goat

Dessert: Tandem Bakery

DJ: DJ Dasios

Wedding Dress: Willowby

Wedding Dress Shop: Velvet Bride

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